"All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened
and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you
and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse,
and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was."
Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

And Another Thing...

This week, I tried an experiment with The Red Tent.  I thought I might work on something that I have in progress rather than wait until I've finished the book to write a review.  It's an interesting concept to test, and I've certainly enjoyed being able to list my thoughts as they occur and express my interests in the book as they arise.

I think this is one experiment I'll keep trying.  For the time being, at least.

I'll certainly keep posting reviews.  I'll have the individual reviews I have planned for my list, and I'll provide further reviews and extras, or whatever comes to mind, but I think I'll keep the "in progress" idea.  It's been fun to play with it.

Any comments or complaints or ideas?  As always, feel free to leave a comment below and feel free to offer suggestions.  I'm up for almost any reading challenge.  In fact, I'm currently working on a reading challenge over at my other blog, Thoughts in Process.  It's called the "Read Harder Challenge of 2015."

Join me, won't you?

Happy reading.

- The Scrivener

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