"All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened
and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you
and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse,
and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was."
Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Comic Book Extravaganza!

This month, I decided to do something special.  Since it's almost summer and it's the perfect time for sitting outside, enjoying the warm weather, and reading--and since I've been on a crazy comic kick--I thought it would be nice to review some of my latest comic book conquests.  I have new Marvel volumes with Thor and the latest Ms. Marvel, a handful of indie publications featuring the Lumberjanes and the sassy, oh-so-classy Rat Queens, and some old favorites given a new lease on life (or afterlife, as the case may be) with Archie and the gang.

To me, it seemed like the best time to bask in the stories and wonderful illustrations of the comic book world.

I hope you enjoy, and happy reading.

- The Scrivener

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