"All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened
and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you
and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse,
and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was."
Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Daredevil (Volume One)

Daredevil by Mark Waid - Volume 1
Image courtesy of
Mark Waid

The Summary
After putting his stormy - and more than a little tragic - past behind him, Matt Murdock has decided to turn over a new leaf, take a new lease on life, especially since his secret identity has leaked all over the media.

But life often has a way of complicating matters and, for Daredevil, that means jumping back into the fray no matter the challenge, no matter the cost - even if it means confronting old demons from his past.

The Good
Filled with fantastic story-telling and enjoyable narration, Daredevil is a slightly tragic, sometimes morbid but entirely riveting comic book that will keep you glued to the pages.  Whether Daredevil is fighting the Spot or struggling to cope with his place in the limelight, Matt Murdock's story is sure to delight and entertain.

Additionally, Daredevil's narrative rarely leaves one with a dissatisfied feeling of an unresolved plot.  While this story has its share of twists and cliffhangers, it never feels incomplete.

More to the point, Mark Waid's comic has a progressive plot that pulls you along through the use of dynamic characters and beautifully rendered actions scenes.  In particular, these dynamic characters - like Foggy Nelson, Kristen McDuffie, and, yes, even Matt Murdock - make a large part of the story enjoyable, because you can visibly chronicle their evolution as the story progresses.

Daredevil is also fabulously rendered by several very talented artists.  Their careful artistry truly brings Waid's dialogue to life, giving every issue a distinct vibrancy and life it wouldn't otherwise have.

The Bad
Honestly, I have no major complaints about the first volume of Daredevil.  I mean, besides the shifting art styles between different artists, Waid's comic is consistently - and almost dependably - good.

The Ugly
Considering the number of villains Daredevil must face and the terrifying memories he must endure from his own past, Daredevil can often turn dark and morbid even with Matt Murdock's attempts to assure the world, and himself, that he is fine.